[ No.11 ] My Illness 3.21, 2013
At the end of last year, 2012, suddenly my right groin , at the crotch , was in pain and swollen. I had an examination by my doctor at Kobe Red Cross Hospital and he said it was a hernia. I was patient for a while but my swelling grew larger and larger from the size of a dried plum to that of a ping-pong ball. I felt such pain so I went to a surgeon on Feb. 22. He examined me and said surgery was necessary. The day of surgery was set for March 12 and before that day , I had to be hospitalized to get a physical examination and a description of the operation by a doctor.
The day before the surgery, I received an explanation of hernia surgery from the surgeon, Dr. Takashi Yuasa. Inguinal hernia is a benign disease in which a protuberance ( a rise or bulge) occurs in the groin. It is rarely life-threatening but if a failure of blood flow occurs it clould become fatal. The most common among the hernias is the inguinal hernia and the objective of the surgery is to ablate the sac and to reinforce the organization which is weak and insert an artificial mesh. He explained this surgery is called UHS ( Ultra Hernia System by Hernia Plaster ) and the recurrence rate is fairly low ( 1% ) and there is almost no restriction of daily life after being discharged.
At nine o’clock in the morning on March 12, the day of the surgery, I entered the room and under half anesthesia, my surgery was done in less than 3 hours while I slept. Dr. Yuasa took less than 1 hour to perform the surgery itself. I spent the rest of the time in ICU to recover consciousness and did so before noon.
I rested for 2 days in my hospital room after the surgery. On the afternoon of the fourth day, I came home on foot. I am thankful to Dr. Yuasa for the deft surgery. My wound from the surgery is only small scrathes of 4-5 cm.
After one week, I had a checkup with Dr.Yuasa. They replaced the tape which was stuck. I could go to the bathroom after just two days but the tape did’nt come off. I am very grateful to Dr. Yuasa.
Hernias are usually caused by lifting heavy things, excessive deep coughing, riding a bycycle, or hard exercise, but mine was caused by aging. I must take care not to get another on the other side of my leg.
Thank you so much for your kind words which you gave me about my health.
hernia : http://www.hernia.jp/hernia/about_1/
私の病気 2013 3. 21