[No.1]                      The Ten Big News Items in 2013                 1/7/2014


 According to Asahi Shinbun readers the 10 most significant news stories from 2013 are as follows:


10) Momentum of corporal punishment and suicide of Sakuramiya high school

      student, with similar occurances discovered one after another in various


9) First Pacific League and all-Japan victory of the Tohoku Rakuten Eagles

8) Tokyo to host the Olympics in 2020

7) Detection of fraudulent food practices at hotels, department stores, eateries

6) Polluted water leak occured at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

5) Hostage terrorism broke out at an Algerian natural gas facility

4) Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant was infested with "cutting corners


3) Mt. Fuji was registered as a World Cultural Heritage Site

2) PM2.5 air pollution from China also polluted Japan

1) Tanaka, pitcher of Rakuten Eagles, had a winning streak of 24 consecutive  

    victories, a new professional baseball record

The following incidents ranked 11 to 20th:

11) Heavy rain and tornadoes occurred through various locations

12) 9 deaths in Hokkaido due to severe blizzard

13) The manager of Japan’s women's judo team was accused of using abuse   

       language and physical violence

14) Heavy rain and landslide calamities hit Izu-oshima due to typhoon 26

15) The Liberal Democratic Party and Komei party won a sweeping victory in

      the election and gained majority in the House of Councilors

16) The Filipino death toll caused by the gigantic typhoon

17) A heat wave struck with a high temperature of 41, a new domestic


18) JR Hokkaido railroad policeman left many railling disorder

19) The consumption tax being raised to 8% from April of 2014

20) Spotty skin trouble caused by Kanebo Cosmetics


What are your 10 big items of news from 2013 ?

What kind year will it be in 2014 for you ? 


      Japanese Movie's Best 5, 2013
      Japanese Movie's Best 5, 2013


           2013年の重大(10大)ニュース       1/7/2014  




  1) 楽天イーグルスの田中投手がプロ野球新記録の開幕24連勝

  2) 中国の大気汚染、日本にもPM2.5

3) 富士山が世界文化遺産登録に

  4) 福島第一原発周辺で「手抜き汚染」横行

  5) アルジェリア天然ガス施設で人質テロ

  6) 福島第一原発の汚染水漏れ、発覚

  7) ホテル、百貨店、飲食店で食の偽装

  8) 2020年の東京五輪開催決定

  9) 東北楽天イーグルスが初のパ・リーグV、日本一

 10) 桜宮高の体罰自殺契機に、各地でも続々発覚

 11) 以下は



 あなたの選ぶ10大ニュースはどんなですか? 2014年はどんな年になるのでしょうか?



               Happy New Year, 2014 

               Hoping You Many Happiness  

        2014, ' Year of Horse'
        2014, ' Year of Horse'
               by Kaii Higashiyama 東山魁夷
               by Kaii Higashiyama 東山魁夷

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