[No.12]                          Favorite Sandwiches                       3/25/2014


1) Ham 2) Letce 3) Boiled eggs 4) Tomato 5) Tin of tuna 6) Tonkatsu ( pork cutlet) 7) Cheese 8) Cucumber 9) Potato salad 10) Croquette

11-20 include

omelet, scrambled eggs, bacon, Hamukatsu, mince cutlet, smoked salmon, roast beef, onion, Teriyaki chicken and cabbage.

 After 21st are

Bifukatsu ( beef cutlet ), pan-fried noodles, wiener sausage, sausage, fish fry, Avocado, Hamberg, canned beef, pickles, shrimp, strawberry and grilled chicken.


 The Asahi Shimbun ( 2014.3.15 ) had a “What are your favorite ingredients in a sandwich?” questionnaire. The results are above. It’s interesting-westernized Japanese people eating bread for breakfast is well known.

 Sandwiches that Americans prefer, such as club house sandwich or sandwich of lettuce and tomato and bacon (BLT) are famous. In addition, the cucumber sandwich which British people prefer ( rather than eat it with the mayonnaise, they just add simple butter and salt), is also famous. Japanese people have become completely accustomed to a breakfast of bread. Japanese schools like egg sandwiches and serve them with miso soup and rice has undeniably become a distant part of tradition.

 Kimuraya is a famous bakery with good sandwiches based in Ginza. Sandwiches are now popular at schools as mentioned, and also at late-night bars. Many enjoy a tomato, Camembert cheese and ham sandwich with cup of whiskey.

  I have no objection to the sandwich fixings listed in the rankings. Freundlieb and Donq sandwich shops in Kobe are very delicious and like Delicatessens , have great reputations.

 Yes, let’s go to Freundlieb restaurant ! 



H.Freundlieb : http://freundlieb.jp/

Donq : http://www.donq.co.jp/

Delicatessen : http://tor-road-delica.com/


Toa Road : http://www.torroad.com/


Kimuraya : http://www.ginzakimuraya.jp/


                                       好きなサンドイッチの具                   3/25/2014


 1. ハム 2.レタス 3.ゆでたまご 4.トマト 5.ツナ缶 6.とんかつ 7.チーズ 8.キュウリ

9.ポテトサラダ 10.コロッケ







 アメリカ人が好むサンドイッチの BLT(アメリカではハムサンドに次ぐ人気だ)ベーコンとトマトとレタスのサンドイッチ或はクラブハウスサンドイッチなどは有名だが、またイギリス人が好むキュウリ・サンド(キュウリを薄く切ってマヨネーズをつけて食べるのではなく、塩とバターだけのシンプルなサンドイッチ)なども有名だが、日本人もすっかりパンの朝食に慣れて来て、ご飯とみそ汁それにのりとタマゴというような日本食派、米食全盛の時代は遠くなった感じがいなめない。




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       All Nippon Bread Festival in Kobe 2014 , Nov. 8, 2014
       All Nippon Bread Festival in Kobe 2014 , Nov. 8, 2014

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