
    How do I spend my day ? How did Beethoven or Balzac spend their daily life ?

        ( From M.Cree,Daily Rituals: How Artist's Work )    4/8/2014                           

 If you have a lot of work that isn’t getting done, sometimes you might not know  where to put your hands. But I want you to remember from Beethoven to Beyonce, even larger-than- life characters in history have had the same 24 hours in a day as you.

 For example, Ludwig van Beethoven got up at six and his breakfast was only coffee which he prepared himself with great care; he determined that there should be sixty beans per cup and he often counted them out one by one for a precise dose. Then he immediately did composing activity. He had lunch with wine at 14:30, then took a long vigorous walk and always carried a pencil and a couple sheets of music paper in his pocket. From 17:30 he stopped at a tavern to read the newspaper. He had a simple supper, followed by a glass of beer and a pipe, and went to bed at 22:00.        

 French writer Victor Hugo was awakened by a daily gunshot from a fort at six, brewed fresh coffee, read a morning letter from his mistress Juliette Droute and had 2 raw eggs. Then he went to a public ice bath on a roof with water left out overnight. He had lunch with a guest then did long strenuous exercises on the beach, followed by a  carriage ride with Juliette. Also, he visited a barber shop as a daily custom. From 18:00 he wrote responded to letters, had dinner and conversation. Played cards at Julliette’s with a friend and go to sleep at 23:00.

 French novelist Honore de Balzac, according to a biographer, did his job furiously in his life and in the meantime, repeatedly indulged in pleasure as a distraction. Writing, fueled by as many as 50 cups of black coffee per day. It’s better you should not imitate him to avoid caffeine poisoning. He would exercise from 16:00, take a bath and receive visitors. He slept from 18:00 and got up at 1:00 in the morning and began writing. He wrote from 1:00 until 8:00 in the morning and then took a nap from 8:00 until 9:30.                    ( By Kevin Short )


 In the case of an ordinary man like me, at 7:00am I wake-up and have bread, coffee, yogurt, fruits or a banana while watching a TV drama from 8:00. I do housework from 9:00, read e-mail and the newspaper on my computer from 10:00, have a Japanese-style lunch at 12:30, from 1:30 study on a PC and walking by the seaside, from 5:00 watching TV and read newspaper.  I have dinner at 6:30 and after dinner I read a newspaper on a PC and watch TV. I take a bath at 10:00 and go to bed at 12.00. Even day is mundane like this.

 Reading this great man’s article, I was taught to cherish my time day-to-day.




 こなしきれないと思われるほど多くの仕事を抱えていると、どこから手をつけるべきか解らないことがある。だが、思い出して欲しい。ベートーベンからビヨンセまで、歴史に残る伝説的な人物もあなたと同じくらいのわずかな(或は、沢山の)時間しかなかったのだ。                                    From M.Cree,Daily Rituals: How Artists Work


  例えばベートーヴェンLudwig v, Beethovenは、毎朝コーヒーを飲むために60個のコーヒー豆を数えながら選び出していた。


 フランスの作家ヴィクトル・ユーゴーVictor Hugoは、毎日近くにある基地の銃声の音で目覚めてから、氷のような冷たい水風呂に入っていたという。また、毎日のように理髪店を訪れていたそうだ。


 フランスの小説家オノレ・ド・バルザック Honore D. Balzacは、伝記作家によると、「猛烈に仕事をしては、その合間に気晴らしと快楽に耽ることを繰り返す」生活だったという。また、極度のカフェイン中毒で、1日に50杯ものコーヒーを飲んでいた。彼の真似はしない方が懸命だろう。

 起床は深夜1時。すぐ執筆。朝8時から1時間半ほど睡眠。起床後すぐ執筆。16時から30分のエクササイズ。その後入浴。来客との会話。18時就寝。      By Kevin Short                    




               Afternoon ← I → Morning
               Afternoon ← I → Morning
         Afternoon ← I → Morning
         Afternoon ← I → Morning

24時間表の緑は主な仕事、薄い緑は別の仕事。雑用は濃い灰色、睡眠は白、エクササイズは青、オレンジは食事と社交。 By Kevin Short 

24 hours table,  green color for the main work,  pale green for another job, dark gray for chore, white for sleep, exercise is blue,orange for diet and socializing                                                   By Kevin Short 







            それが私の生き方、My Way !


        To live so that I never regret the day-to-day.

        It is not anxious about the things of tommorow

        It is not bothering this by any thing of the past

        To neglect the study of everyday  

                        The interesting life full of curiosity to constant

             The way I live, it’s My Way, My Life !




                聖書の言葉 from The Bible



 Thanksgiving for the Lord's Salvation O give thanks unto the Lord ; for he is good; because his mercy endureth for ever. 

                           詩篇118篇1節 PSALM 118-1

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