
             What is Your Body Complex?           6/10/2014


 There is no such thing as a perfect human body appearance. So, as long as there is self-consciousness, people can not escape from having a complex. It is said ‘’ Dimple pitfalls of love’. But, with the human body, they are not just nice pitfalls. If the hair is thin and lonely, one’s stomach sticks or the feet smell insanely, these pitfalls can grow to complexes, like a mole hill to a mountain. Somewhere in the body, is there no part causing a heartrending complex for you?  On May 31 the Asahi Shinbun had a questionnaire;


 1  Teeth                573  votes

 2  Hair                  553

 3  Stomach         493

 4  Legs                 453

 5  Nose                362

 6  Eyes                 322

 7  Breasts             253

 8  Brows               238

 9  Buttocks           238

10 Body hair          216

11-20 are as follows:  

11 Shape of head 12 Trunk 13 Fingers 14 Nails 15 Moles and spots 16 Feet

17 Mouth, Lips 18 Jaw, Chin 19 Arms 20 Waist

   of the survey's 1744 respondents, 54% were men and 46% were women. 

 Following No. 21 were "toes", "neck", "shoulders", "hands", "cheeks", "back" and "eyelashes".


 Comments about the first grief included “ I can not laugh in public because of uneven teeth”, “ I’m prone to tooth decay”, and “Polishing of the teeth is often needed”. There were also people worried about colored teeth. The complex of the hair was the second grief. A common complains is that “ Since my hair has gone thin, I have been enduring the pain called‘ kappa ( water sprite )’. People fear unspoken discrimination based on appearances.

 How about me?,,,  Uhhhm…







  1 歯       573

  2 頭髪      553

  3 おなか     493

  4 足(足首より上)453

  5 鼻       362

  6 目       322

  7 胸       253

  8 まゆ毛     238

  9 お尻      238

10 体毛      216

11, 頭の形 12, 胴 13, 手の指 14, 手足の爪 15, ほくろ、あざ

16, 足(足首より下) 17, 口、唇 18, あご 19, 腕 20、腰










                聖書の言葉 from The Bible



 And the whole multitude sought to touch him; for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.

                    ルカによる福音書 619節 LUKE 6-19




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