Kobe De Hawaii ! 6/24/2014
It’s getting warm but I wonder if it’s hot this summer too?
The other day, I experienced such an early summer treat. A sweet and delicious shop came to Kobe from Hawaii. It is ‘ Eggs’n Things‘ ! ‘Eggs’n Things’s reputation for their omelets and pancakes is great! So I tried and got a taste of what the new dishes are. “Kobe De Hawaii! “
I went for the first time in a long time to Kobe Harbor Land and I took a long cruise on the sightseeing ship ‘ Concerto’ of Kobe Port. They say you can eat delicious cuisine on this ship but this time my purpose was different. I had decided not to have a meal on ‘ Concerto’ and I wanted to eat a Hawaiian meal by all means. We were on board at 5:10 in the evening. The soft sea breeze was comfortable and pleasant and we cruised out off the coast of Suma Beach. It was a refreshing and rejuvenating feeling to see the beautiful city of Kobe from the sea. For a little less than 2 hours, we watched very beautiful Kobe in the evening. After sailing back to the harbor at 7:00, we went to ‘ Eggs’n Things’ which is a new restaurant that opened 3 months ago. Young women fill the restaurant and we felt a little out of place in that atmosphere. After we were seated, I was surprised to see what they are eating on the other side of the table. Everyone is merrily moving to the mouth a variety of Hawaiian food. But, well, oh my God, what volume! 5 Pancakes on one dish! 10 centimeters high with whipped cream! And moreover, fruits as toppings! And unlimited maple syrup or honey! It’s so amazing! Well, we ordered an omelet and this omelet was definitely large enough with three eggs and a lot of bacon, potato and cheese! Great happiness! It’s so amazing! Big enough! Looking at this, I imagined a Hawaiian big sumo wrestlers’ dishes like Musashimaru and Akebono. Anyway, I liked it and loved it but my wife was negative. Every dish I tried was very delicious.
How about visiting ‘ Eggs’n Things’ from Hawaii? You can surely enjoy it. It’s very delightful.
Kobe De Hawaii!!! Enjoy Hawaii!!! Hawaii came to Kobe!
De Hawaii !
Hawaii is Coming !
暖かくなって来たがまた今年の夏も暑いのかな?そんな夏の早めの経験を先日した。神戸にハワイからの楽しいお店がやって来た。Eggs'n Things !
ハワイで人気のレストランでパンケーキとオムレツが美味しいと評判だ。どんなお店か、ものは試し、出かけて来た。Kobe De Hawaii !
7時に港に戻って来て2ヶ月前に出来た Eggs'n Things に行った。中は若い女性が一杯で、私たち夫婦はちょっと浮いたような感じもしたが、皆さんが食べているテーブルの上を見て驚いた。楽しそうに誰もがいろいろのハワイアンフードを口に運んでいて大変楽しそうで賑やかだった、が、、。
Kobe De Hawaii!!! Enjoy Hawaii!
Eggs'n Things http://www.wdi.co.jp/ja/re-eggsn.html
Eggs'n Things Japan : http://www.eggsnthingsjapan.com/
Cruising Ship Concerto : http://www.kobeconcerto.com/
Kobe Meriken Park Oriental Hotel : http://www.kobe-orientalhotel.co.jp/
Kawasaki Heavy Industries : http://www.khi.co.jp/english/index.html
Sailing Port of Kobe
Awajishima Island from the top of Akashi -ohashi Bridge
↑ Kobe Harbor Land My House ↑
Where is Akashi Bridge, Akashi Ohasi ?
神戸市で人気のある観光名所20 Tourist Attraction 20 in Kobe
カワサキワールド Kawasaki Heavy Industry World
神戸ハーバーランド Kobe Harbor Land
人と防災未来センター D. R. I. (Disaster Reduction
Institution) : The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Memorial
北野異人館街 Kitano Ijinkan Town
菊正宗酒造記念館 Kikumasamune Sake Museum
聖書の言葉 from The Bible
I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.
ヨハネによる福音書 12章46