[No.27] One Year Health Care Costs ¥
300,000 7/8/2014
There is a very interesting article from Asahi Shimbun June 1, 2014.
About 38 trillion, 600 billion ( 38,600,000,000,000 ), yen in total and ¥300,000 per capita is the national medical expenditures in 2011 in Japan. Both increased 2-fold in 20
After people grow up to be adults, there is a tendency to have a higher amount. The medical expense is about 110,000 yen for Japanese 15 to 44 years old while it’s about 890,000 yen
for those 75 of age or older. In fact medical expenses for elderly people over 65 account for 56 percent of the total. (cf. By the way, my wife and I paid medical expenses of
304,000 yen in 2013, 217,000 yen in 2012 and 135,000 yen in 2011. However, that was only 30% of the burden with my health insurance. )
The number of aged people is not responsible for rising health care costs. As far as medical expenses as a percentage of gross domestic product, Japan is in 16th place but as the top
aging rate in the world. Italy, with the 2nd highest aging rate is 18th and the United States, at the No.1 position of medical expenses has the 25th highest aging rate.
With this backdrop, it has been pointed out that concerning medical expenses in Japan, there is a longer length of hospital stays and a large number of beds in hospitals. Going to a
hospital strictly for treatment of severe cases and increasing home care and out-patient is needed. The government is aiming for an efficient mechanism through early discharge and
other means.
Health care costs may not come down even if we improve the efficiency. At the same time, reducing waste and putting emphasis on health care is most important to change our minds and
have faith in large hospitals. This would lead to the maintenance of quality medical care.
Questions of the aging population and declining birth rate of Japan, problems of long-term care insurance premiums and health insurance premiums got me thinking the problem of health
care costs are utterly serious in this country.
(※ 私たち夫婦の場合63年度217,000円、 62年度135,000円 、61年度は 304,000円を支払った。但し健康保険を使っての3割負担の額である。)
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聖書の言葉 from The Bible
For the LORD thy God hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand: he knoweth thy walking through this great wilderness: thee forty years the LORD thy God hath been with thee:though hast lacked nothing.