
Total Luner Eclipse on Oct.8,2014 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm 皆既月食  10/24/2021


        Total Luner Eclipse
        Total Luner Eclipse

 Blood Moon,  Photo by Nagaoka 赤い月, 長岡さん撮影
 Blood Moon, Photo by Nagaoka 赤い月, 長岡さん撮影


   Moon & Abeno Harukasu Buil. あべのハルカス         Kobe Motomachi & Moon
   Moon & Abeno Harukasu Buil. あべのハルカス         Kobe Motomachi & Moon



青色LEDでライトアップの福岡タワーと月食    青色LEDが灯る 東京スカイツリー

    名古屋大の青色LED時計台        マイアミのフリーダムタワー

  皆既月食 Total Eclips : http://www.nao.ac.jp/astro/sky/2014/lunar-eclipse.html


          Japanese Favorite Meal Ranking, From ‘Goo’ Internet Column
                         Ranking of simple, daily favorite dishes            10/21/2014


 Stylish dishes that we eat at restaurants make us as glad, but on the other hand we would get tired of them if we ate them every day at our dining tables. I am surprised that these simple dishes are favorite dishes regardless of sex. This article explored simple favorite dishes.

1. だし巻き玉子 dashimakitamago, rolled omelette                                48.6%
2. 目玉焼き medamayaki,  fried egg                                                      37.0
3 玉子かけご飯 tamagokakegohan,  rice with raw egg                         35.4
4  麦とろご飯 mugitorogohan,  Japanese barley yam                            32.4
4 明太子のせご飯 mentaikonosegohan,  seasoned Alaska pollack on rice 32.6
6  梅干しおにぎり  umeboshionigiri,  rice ball with pickled plum               26.6
7   焼き茄子 yakinasu,  grilled eggplant                                               26.0
8   そうめん soumen,  thin wheat noodles                                           25.2
8   塩おにぎり shioonigiri,  rice ball with salt                                        25.2
10  南瓜の煮物  kabochanonimono,  simmered dishes of Japanese pumpkin 23.8
 From 11th follows:
ほうれん草のおひたし, boiled spinach;  ひじき煮, food boiled and seasoned with  brown algae; 切り干し大根, cooked dried strips of radish;  お味噌汁かけご飯, rise with miso soup; おかゆ, rice gruel; ふかし芋, steamed sweet potatoes;  とろろ汁,  grated yam soup; わかめの酢の物,  vinegared dish of wakame seaweed; 煮豆,  boiled beans; ウインナー丼, Wiener Sausage on rice

 I agree with the ranking list. Fried egg is my favorite food, but I like rice curry with egg too. Both the curry which my mother cooked and the curry which my wife makes are very delicious. Also, the curry which talent Gajiro Sato of  “ Home country and th Zip DeteectiveふるさとZIP探偵団“ of Kansai TV ( which I  produced ) made was delicious. Gajiro came to our TV studio every 5 weeks as a detective of ZIP codes and when he was not on location, curry was made in the morning in the studio and we the staff were treated. Gajiro has been playing a lot in the role of a temple employee in Kiyoshi Atsumi’s “ Tora-san” movie series. Seemingly, the lead Kiyoshi Atsumi and the staff were also treated to curry at the time of shooting on location. It is said that Kiyoshi Atsumi always said to Gajiro “ Thanks, your curry is delicious! ”
 I wonder why everybody's favorite, curry, did not go into this ranking.




1位 だし巻き玉子     48.6%
2位 目玉焼き       37.0
3位 たまごかけごはん   35.4
4位 麦とろご飯      32.4
4位 辛子明太子のせご飯  32.4
6位 梅干しおにぎり    26.6
7位 焼き茄子       26.0
8位 そうめん       25.2
8位 塩おにぎり      25.2
10位 かぼちゃの煮物    23.8








               聖書の言葉 From The Bible



 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works,which God hath before ordained that we shoud walk in them.


                           EPHESIANS 2-10

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