[No.43]                              11/25/2014

       An Art Museum and a Volunteer    

                 From Asahi Shimbun Globe       



 According to "世界大百科事典 World Encyclopedia" by Heibonsha, English “museum” and French “musee” , which correspond to Japanese 博物館 hakubutsukan, are originated in ancient Greek "ムセイオン Mouseion" which is a sanctuary offered to the goddess of arts and sciences. It is said it was a place like  ムセイオン Mouseion, a research institute which was used in the sense of a school and Ptolemy ( Ptolemaeus ) built the first in Alexandria, Egypt. Now, in English, museum of art, gallery, etc. are used as a name corresponding to an art museum. The Japanese museum is a kind of the "method" of keeping and collecting data about "history, art, race,industry, natural science, etc.". That public museum doesn’t charge admission except for " cases where there is an unavoidable situation." That means in the mainstream, an art museum deals with visual arts, such as pictures.

 After the Renaissance arose in Italy in the 14th century the number of people who could appreciate art was restricted, although royalty and titled nobility exhibited works of art in their collections at their gorgeous mansions. The Louvre Museum, Musee du Louvre was born in Paris after the French Revolution in 1793 and it was the first art museum which began to exhibit art generally. The modernistic art museum started from there. The idea "that the private sector supports art activities independently" is strong in the United States. Also the art museum was founded in form not by a state, but a philanthropist with private sector volunteers leading. Three collectors who knew European modern art started MoM, the Museum of Modern Art, which opened in New York in 1929. After World War II, when the Center of Fine Arts moved from Europe to the U.S., the presence and recognition of art museums in the U.S. also expanded.

 Now, the number of those who support art museums by volunteering is large and their role is important. Once I visited the Wright Brothers National Memorial in North Carolina, United States, and most of the management there was done by volunteers’ hands. Moreover, the other day I visited Horyuji Temple in Nara. The personnel of Horyuji Temple and priest number only 15 people in that large temple and it depends on volunteers for guides, ticket gate staff, custodians etc. English, French Spanish and Chinese interpreter volunteers guide help with Horyuji Temple guided tours. Likewise many volunteers are also active at Himeji Castle. 

 I have been volunteering at the Hyogo Prefectual Museum of Art more than 10 years. Although 150 volunteers serve actively here with writing commentary, guiding, etc., I have been helping happily with other volunteers by arranging museum data. My service has not gotten old even after working once a week for more than 10 years. 



 日本語の博物館に対応するmuseum(英語) musee(仏語)は、『世界大百科事典』(平凡社)によると、学芸を司る女神Museに捧げられた聖域を示す古代ギリシャ語「ムセイオンMouseion」に由来する学問所の意味で用いられ、プトレマイオスPtolemaeus1世がエジプト・アレクサンドリアAlexandriaに建てたムセイオンMouseion研究所のような場所である。現在、英語では美術館に対応する名称としてmuseum of art, gallery などを使うが、日本で美術館は「歴史、芸術、民族、産業、自然科学等」についての資料を収集、保管、公開する「博物館」の一種と博物館法で定められている。公立博物館は「やむを得ない事情のある場合」を除き無料と定められていて、美術館が取り扱うのは絵画などの視覚芸術が中心だ。

 14世紀イタリアでルネッサンスが興った後、王侯貴族が美術品を盛んに蒐集、豪華な館などに展示したが、鑑賞出来る人は限られていた。1793年フランス革命の後パリに生まれたルーブル美術館Musee du Louvreは、始めて一般に公開された美術館で、近代的な美術館はここから始まった。米国では「芸術活動は民間が自主的に支援するもの」との意識が強く、国家ではなく慈善事業家や民間の有志が主導する形で美術館が設立された。1929年開館のニューヨーク近代美術館 MoMAは、欧州の近代美術に通じていた3人のコレクターが中心となった。第2次世界大戦後、美術の中心が欧州から米国に移ると、米国の美術館の存在感も大きくなった。                        (朝日新聞Globeより)





               ニューヨーク近代美術館 MoMA

                 ニューヨーク近代美術館 MoMA

               メトロポリタン美術館 The Met 

               ルーヴル美術館 Musee du Louvre

               ライト兄弟記念館 Wright Brothers National Memorial

               兵庫県立美術館 Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art

               大英博物館 British Museum

         Himeji city volunteer, Good Will Kashinoki
         Himeji city volunteer, Good Will Kashinoki

                                             聖書の言葉 from the Bible



 And straight way they forsook their nets, and followed him.

                                                              マルコによる福音書1章18節」  MARK 1-18

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