How much you eat or calories to BMI : New standards to suit your physique
February 5, 2014 Asahi Shimbun
Criteria that define the amount of food to be taken per day vary widely. On Feb 3, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare decided on a total of 2,000 calories in one day. Representative goals and objectives are calculated as BMI from height and weight. BMI reflects the differences in physique by the individual and its purpose is to lead to the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases.
Changes include new BMI targets from 18.5 to 24.9 in the 18〜49 age range and a raised lower limit for people 50 or more. This was based on data about nutrition decreasing as age increases.
Previously women in their 30’s and 40’s needed 2,000 kcal per day and men 18 to 49 required 2,650 kcal but they were not applicable to some people such as petite women and men of high stature. For the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, reduction of body weight is recommended and there will be new standards that can be used for a person predisposed to disease.
In addition, the changes include reducing the daily amount of salt: 8g for men over the age of 15 ( currently 9g) and 7g for women ( currently 7.5g) .
The new standards will begin from 2015 fiscal year and they are to be utilized in diets such as at nursery schools and canteen offices nationwide.
Age Target BMI
18〜49 18.5〜24.9
50〜69 20〜24.9
70 or more 21.5〜24.9
BMI = body weight (kg) ÷ height (m) ÷ Height
* BMI, Body Mass Index
年齢 目標とするBMI
18〜49 18.5〜24.9
50〜69 20〜24.9
70以上 21.5〜24.9
* BMI (Body Mass Index) 肥満度