No.12                                                                                             3/17/2015

       John Manjiro ( about 53 )
   John Manjiro ( about 53 )

 John Manjiro,The Man who First Migrated from Japan to the United States


 The other day, after a long time, I read a biography of John Manjiro. It was an adventure story which is rather for boys and girls by American author Margi Preus , called ‘ Heart of a Samurai, John Manjiro ‘. I have read Masuji Ibuse's novel "John Manjiro, the Cast Away ; his Life and Adventure” a long time ago and it was a fascinating book.

 Manjiro was born January 1, 1827 ( 文政10 ). John Manjiro’s real name was Manjiro Nakahama.and he was born in Nakahama of the Tosa clan in Kochi ( 土佐藩、高知県 ), which is in present day Tosashimizu city, Kochi Pref. (高知県土佐清水市中浜 ) He was the second son of a poor fisherman and he lost his father wh en he was 9 years old so he had to work from a young age because of his sickly mother and elder brother. Manjiro supported the family so he was a boy who could do almost no reading and writing because there was no opportunity to go to a temple school ( 寺子屋 ). One day, he went fishing and met a storm in 1841 (天保12) , and he experienced disaster in the storm with his 4 fisherman companions. He drifted 5 and half days and ashore in Torishima ( 鳥島 ) on Izu-hanto peninsula miraculously. He lived on a deserted island for 143 days and was finally rescued by the John Howland, an American whaling ship. At that time, as the Tokugawa shogunate was in a state of isolation by its policy, foreign ships could not approach Japan easily. Even if they returned home, there was no guarantee of life so the senior Japanese sailors were dropped at Hawaii. But Manjiro was liked by Captain William Whitfield and by Manjiro’s own request, he continued to sail on the whaler, and migrated to the United States. John Mung, his nickname, was taken from the name of the ship, John Howland, and his name, Manjiro, and he set his  first step on the mainland of the U.S.A. as a Japanese. It was FairHaven, Massachusetts in 1843. John Mung, who migrated to the United States, had various experiences and finally returned to his home country in 1853( 嘉永6 ). Using the knowledge and language he learned in the United States, he introduced people to the United States, a place that no one knew about during Bakumatsu in the late Tokugawa period. Margi Preus, the author, describes the story interestingly.

 After returning to Japan, he taught his learned knowledge and language study which he got during his stay in the Americas and he was known as a significant contributor to the Meiji Restoration( 明治維新 ). For instance, he taught about America and shared his knowledge with the patriot leader Sakamoto Ryoma(坂本龍馬), Mitsubishi founder Iwasaki Yataro( 岩崎弥太郎 )  Katsu Kaishu( 勝海舟 ) of Kanrinmaru( 咸臨丸) warship, educator and Keio University founder Fukuzawa Yukichi( 福沢諭吉 ), poritician Itagaki Taisuke( 板垣退助 ) and others. John Mung was a great person of Bakumatsu( 幕末 )  , at the end of the Edo period, and the Meiji Restoration whose life ended in 1898(明治31年). John Manjiro's story which I had in my hands after a long time was very fascinating because of his positive life.

    Yoshida Shoin
    Yoshida Shoin

 By the way, the TV drama that is now being broadcast on NHK, "Hana Moyu ( 花燃ゆ Burning Flower )", is a story of a great scholar Yoshida Shoin ( 吉田松陰 ) of the Choshu clan ( 長州藩 Yamaguchi Pref. ). Yoshida Shoin failed in a voyage to the America and he was jailed. After he was discharged, he brought up many patriots of the Meiji Restoration in his private school Shokasonjuku( 松下村塾 ). Such a subject is now being introduced on TV. 

 As for the time of the Meiji Restoration, two of these young stowaways to the United States moved Japan greatly.




 先日久しぶりにジョン万次郎の伝記小説を読んだ。アメリカ人の作家マーギー・プロイス Margi Preusによるこの本はどちらかというと少年少女向けの冒険物語だったが、昔読んだ井伏鱒二の「ジョン萬次郎漂流記」よりも面白かった。この本の映画化も近いそうだ。

 ジョン万次郎は本名中濱萬次郎、文政10年(1827年)11日生まれ、土佐藩の中浜、今の高知県土佐清水市中浜の貧しい漁師の次男として生まれた。9歳の時に父親を亡くし、病弱な母と兄に代わって幼いころから働き家族を養った。寺子屋に通う余裕がなかったため、読み書きも殆ど出来ない少年だったが、天保12年(1841年)、手伝いで漁に出て嵐に遭い、漁師仲間4人と共に遭難、5日半漂流後奇跡的に伊豆半島の鳥島に漂着、143日間無人島で生活した。そこでアメリカの捕鯨船ジョン・ハウランド号に仲間と共に救助された。日本はその頃江戸幕府の政策で鎖国をしていたため、外国の船は容易に近づけない状態で、帰国したとしても命の保証はなく、漂流者のうちの年配者はハワイで降ろされたが、船長のホイットフィールドに頭の良さを気に入られた万次郎は本人の希望もあってそのまま捕鯨船での航海を続け、アメリカへ渡った。船の名前から取ったジョン・マン(John Mung)の愛称をアメリカ人からつけられた万次郎は、日本人として始めてアメリカ本土へ足を踏み入れることとなり、マサチューセツ州のフェアヘーブンへ上陸、1843年(天保14年)のことだった。







   マーギー・プロイス Margi Preus : ジョン万次郎 海を渡ったサムライ魂







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