No.22                                                                                                 6/09/2015

      Joh Niijima
      Joh Niijima

      Doshisha's 140th Anniversary


 My university, Doshisha, which was originally Doshisha English School established by Joh Niijima, is going to have its 140th anniversary this year. Since its foundation, Doshisha has had the ideas of Christianity, liberalism and internationalism and it has  cultivated "conscience education". Now, "2025 Doshisha Visions" is being developed for the coming 150th anniversary in ten years. As for 2025 Visions, the spirit of founder Joh Niijima is breathing with the motto, " The will of Doshisha Way-for 2025”. “ I often reflect upon the extraordinary power from foreign countries throughout history, such as the black ship of the Bakumatsu, late Tokugawa period, and the times of Niijima. I think about whether the modernization of Japan was necessary and how the globalization of current Japan resembles it. I also consider the origin of Doshisha, and the contemporary vision must reflect Niijima’s firm will now. It is natural that education and study are the big pillars of the university. Doshisha is a mammoth-sized school having 29,000 students and 380,000 alumni. Verbal intercourse and networking with the alumni are important for a private university and should be encouraged more. In addition, the university is no longer considered a so-called ivory tower. We must not forget its relationships with community, the local government and NPOs, as well as collaborations with various outside institutions including other universities. The contribution to society will be a big mission pursued by the university.” President Koji Murata wrote in the Asahi Shimbun. 

 Joh Niijima, who founded Doshisha, was born in 1843 ( Tenpo Era, 14th year ) and he was a Japanese teacher of religion, a school teacher and educator and a person who is counted as one of the Meiji Era’s six largest educators. He died in 1890. In 1866, he arrived in Boston, America after stowing away on a steamer in 1865. He entered Philips Academy and graduated from Amherst College and he was baptized in Andover Theological College in 1870. Niijima took a class of chemistry from vice-principal William Smith Clark at Sapporo Agricultural School after coming back and graduated with a Bachelor of Science. The social title of stowaway was changed to that of official foreign student by the first Japanese United States Minister Ambassador Aritsune Mori. In 1872, Niijima, who met the Iwakura mission during a visit to America in 1872, was adopted as an interpreter for Koin Kido. He also visited European countries with the mission and edited the report "理事功程 Riji-Kotei". This had a big influence on the  education system of the new Meiji government. After that mission, he returned to Japan and founded Doshisha English School in 1875 in Kyoto. He thought that the thing supporting European and American civilization was Christian faith. Niijima also thought human beings with independence and self-respect acquired democracy by experience. Therefore, he was convinced that he could modernize Japan if he could educate people about such concepts in his country. In the United States, he noticed that the man whose intellect, virtue and body are in harmony becomes a local and state leader and guides American cultural education of politics and economics through Christian-based education and liberal education for all the people. He wanted to send people into society who could see the big picture of humanity and society. Two of Niijima’s favorite phrases to share with his students were “ live for the people” and “ To live for social work is the trust business with God.” With his educational policy of "conscience of one country", he sent out many able people. 

 Time ticks away to Doshsha’s turning point of the 140th anniversary this year. Have  we graduates been brought up to be people "full of conscience" like Joh Niijima’s students or as President Murata expects?




 私が卒業した大学、新島襄が開校した同志社英学校を源流とする同志社大学は今年創立140周年を迎える。創立以来「キリスト教主義」「自由主義」「国際主義」を教育の理念とし、「良心教育」を培ってきたが、今、10年後の創立150周年に向けて「同志社2025ビジョン」を展開している。2025ビジョンの標語は「Doshisha Way-for 2025・・・揺るぎない志とともに」、創立者新島襄のスピリットが息づいている。「幕末の黒船のような途方もない外国からの力に遭遇し、日本の近代化が必要と考えた新島の時代と現在の日本のグローバル化は似ています。今こそ同志社の原点を見つめ直し、彼の揺るぎない志を今日的に解釈しなくてはならない。教育と研究が大学の大きな柱であるのは当然だが、同志社は2万9千人の学生と38万人の校友を持つ大規模校です。私立大学にとって、校友との意見の交換やネットワーク作りは大切で、さらに活性化したいのです。また、大学はかってのような所謂象牙の塔ではなく、地域社会、自治体、NPO、他の大学など、さまざまな外部との協働が欠かせません。社会貢献も大学に求められる大きな使命でしょう。」と村田晃嗣学長は朝日新聞に書いている。


 新島は欧米文明を支えているものはキリスト教の信仰を持ち、デモクラシーを体得した独立自尊の人間であり、従ってこのような人間を日本で教育することが出来るなら、日本を近代化することが可能になると確信した。アメリカにおいてキリスト教人格主義、教育、全人教育( liberal education)を通して、知・徳・体の調和のとれたトータルな人間、木のみならず森をも見ることができる立体思考の人間を教育し、彼らが地方や国家のリーダーとなってアメリカの政治、経済、文化、教育をリードしていることに注目した。新島は学生たちに「世の中のため」に生きることの大切さや「社会事業は神の委託事業である」と口癖のように言い、そこから「一国の良心」教育でもって、数々の有能な人物を輩出したのである。



          クラーク記念館 Clark Memorial ( 重文 )
          クラーク記念館 Clark Memorial ( 重文 )
         Doshisha Chapel  同志社教会 ( 重文 )
         Doshisha Chapel 同志社教会 ( 重文 )

                                              Doshisha University




              Gangen Sanso Villa, Kyoto

               顔原山荘 Gangen Sansou





   夕方5時に出港した。・・・・・ Voyager of the Seas, May 26

                                             Voyager of The Seas



                                                      from The Bible




          Count it all joy, my brothers, when you fall into various temptations,

                                                ヤコブの手紙1章2節  The Letter from James 1-2

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