No.24                                                                                               6/16/2015

  Nagai Botanical Garden,Osaka, June 3,2015
  Nagai Botanical Garden,Osaka, June 3,2015


    The Rainy season Sets In


 On June 3, the rainy season set in the Kinki district, which is four days earlier than an  average year. Although the setting-in of the rainy season on the calendar is about June 7, the average year is June 11.

 It is a weather phenomenon that is seen in a wide area of East Asia from down stream of Chang Jiang, the southern part of China, Taiwan, the southern part of Korea and Japanese Islands except the Ogasawara Islands and the rainy season comes from late May to July each year. 五月雨Samidare, early summer rain, also 梅雨Tsuyu, rainy season, originally from China, transformed into the word "梅雨 baiu , rainy season" and it came to be called "つゆtsuyu" from the Edo Era in Japan. The rainy season had been called “ 黴雨baiu” which means “ easy growing” mold in China in this season. Because the image of the word mold kabi is poor, they used the character for plum ,ume, for bai and that became " 梅雨 rainy season". Also, it is considered to be from tsuyu. Since the real plum grows ripe and falls in this season in Japan ( 潰ゆ tsuyu ), there is a theory that it’s associated with the word tsuyuつゆ.  Speaking of such a rainy season, Japanese hydrangea, irisis, pickled plums and food poisoning are incidental to this wet season.

 Osaka District Meteorological Observatory is expecting around July 21 to be the end of the rainy season in the Kinki region; depressing rainy season will continue for nearly 2 months. After that, burning summer will visit, the most severe time of the year and the hottest season we Japanese must endure. 

 Although people refer to "no fine three days in the spring”, rainy season is more annoying muggy rainy days continue. 











                   梅雨入り          梅雨明け

                       平年   6月7日ごろ          7月21日ごろ

        2015年  6月3日  (平年より4日早い) 7月21日

        2014年    6月3日             7月8日

        2012年    6月8日           7月16日

        2011年    5月22日           7月8日

                       2010年     6月13日                        7月7日



    2015年6月8日 15時10分. 気象庁は「8日関東甲信地方が 梅雨入りした

    とみられる」と発表した。  平年(6月8日ごろ)と 同じ梅雨入りとなった。

       梅雨入り Tsuyu, The Rainy Season, sets in Kinki Area , June 3

Ajisai blooms, Japanese Hydrangea,Mimurotoji-temple 三室戸寺 Uji city,Kyoto
Ajisai blooms, Japanese Hydrangea,Mimurotoji-temple 三室戸寺 Uji city,Kyoto

            神戸市立森林植物園 Kobe Botanical Garden

            神戸市立森林植物園 Kobe Botanical Garden


                                          Very rare blue colored frog



Japan VS Switzerland 1:0
Japan VS Switzerland 1:0
         Japan VS Cameroon 2:1
       Japan VS Cameroon 2:1

                  Japan VS Ecuador 1:0
                  Japan VS Ecuador 1:0
                      Japan VS Holland 2:1
                      Japan VS Holland 2:1
              Japan VS England 2:1
              Japan VS England 2:1

                                     2015 Womens World Cup Soccer

                                       なでしこジャパン Nadeshiko Japan


       我が家からの眺め・・・夕景 Evening View from My House



     朝日に映える神戸大橋とポートライナー Kobe Bridge and Port Liner


   Port Liner (White Shining Train on the Bridge) and Kobe Bridge
   Port Liner (White Shining Train on the Bridge) and Kobe Bridge

                夕景 Evenig View

                 月の出 Moon Light





                                           And Again the Evening



    June 6,  Diamond Princess came to Kobe at 6:00 a.m. from Keelung

    ( Formosa, China) and sailed to Naha ( Okinawa, Japan ) at 5:00 p.m..


                 from The Bible   




 They also who err in spirit will come to understanding  , and those who grumble will receive instruction.

                        イザヤ書29章24節  Isaiah 29:24 



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