No.3                                   1/10/2015

              Annual Fukuotoko Selection was in Nishinomiya Shrine      

              Nishinomiya Ebisu…Japanese oldest Ebisu Shrine festival


 “Toka Ebisu 十日戎” , which held for 3 days at Nishinomiya Ebisu Shrine from January 9 to 11, is known widely across the country as the largest Ebisu festival with over one million people.

 Preparing for the Toka Ebisu on January 8th, a large tuna is chosen with high spirited shouts of youth in a wholesale fish market.

 Festival of Toka Ebisu Eve, Yoi Ebisu 宵えびす on January 9th, Kentoshiki 献湯式 (Donation of Arima Hot Spring’s hot water ) and Yoimiyasai 宵宮祭 ( Ebisu Eve Festival ) are conducted by Arima Onsen geisha girls. At midnight, all of the Shinmon 神門 ( God gates ) are closed and they enter the “ Igomori 居籠”. This Igomori is in the old records of the Kamakura period and they ( priest ) are cleaned before starting the Ebisu festival 本えびす Hon Ebisu, On the morning of the 10th Hon Ebisu, there is a time of silence from 4am to 6. After the Eve festival, the opening of the Daimon gate 大門 ( Akamon 赤門 ) is at 6:00am and for the opening, the Fukuotoko福男 ( happiest man ) selection ceremony 開門神事福男選び is performed annually. Lots of young men ( over 5,000 ) rush to “God house” 神殿 for the first worship winner of Hon Ebisu. people who want blessing from Toka Ebisu flood in from 10 to 11 (Nokorifuku 残り福、late happiness Ebisu ) and they hope to remain on the 11th , Nokorifuku. About six hundred stores and street stalls are opened in the big shrine’s grounds and it’s neighborhood with over one million people.

 By the way, Imamiya Ebisu 今宮戎 in Osaka is also one of the most popular shrines of Toka Ebisu and is located in central Osaka city in Kansai. The grounds is very crowded for three days by a number of worshipers and merchants who sell Fukusasa 福笹 ( happiness bringing bamboo). Also, Horikawa Ebisu Shrine 堀川戎 in Kita Ward in Osaka is close to the broad casting station where I was working, so I often  worshiped there when I was a company man.

 Toka Ebisu has sentimental memories for me.



                西宮十日えびす ・・・日本最古の戎神社


 110日を中心に9日から11日までの3日間西宮戎神社行われる「十日えびす」は、阪神間における最大の祭典として広く全国に知られ、百万人を越える参拝者で賑わいます。十日えびすの準備は18に卸売市場の若者の威勢のよい掛け声とともに奉納される大マグロで整います。19日の「宵えびす」には、有馬温泉の芸妓さんによる「献湯式(けんとうしき)」、「宵宮祭(よいみやさい)」が行われ、深夜12時にすべての神門が閉ざされ「居籠(いごも)り」に入ります。居籠とは既に鎌倉時代の古記録にも残されており、大祭を行う前に身を清め、静寂の時を過す時間を持つことで、 10日午前四時の「十日えびす大祭」を厳粛裡に執り行うことが出来ます。大祭終了後の午前6時を期して表大門(赤門)を開き、恒例の「開門神事福男選び」を行います。そして境内は10日の「本えびす」から11日の「残り福」まで、福を求める参拝者であふれます。12千坪に及ぶ境内や周辺に名物の吉兆店のほか露店など合せて約六百軒も軒を連ね、大いに賑います。


Fukuotoko, Happiest man
Fukuotoko, Happiest man

          Fukuotoko at Tohoku Earthquake plase
          Fukuotoko at Tohoku Earthquake plase
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                              My House↑                         Nishinomiya-Jinja↑

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        堀川戎神社 Horikawa Ebisu と今宮戎神社 Imamiya Ebisu

                 Nishinomiya Toka-ebisu 

               Nishinomiya Toka-ebisu  西宮十日戎

                                        Nishinomiya Toka-ebisu  西宮十日戎

                                            Ebisu  えびす講

                         Imamiya-ebisu  今宮戎神社 

                                            Shichifukujin 七福神

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