To prefer canned coffee is Japanese culture?
In the annual consumption of coffee beans Japan, is No. 4 following the USA, Brazil and Germany. Above all, canned coffee has been said widely through vending machines which are set everywhere in towns in Japan. For a long time the overwhelming majority of coffee drinkers were men 30 to 50 so they thought of it as a "male drink". However, as the plastic bottle has been spreading, using a cap and drinking coffee over a long time coffee’s style has changed. Because coffee isn't suitable to a plastic bottle for the reason of quality retention, each company has begun to adopt the bottle-can with a cap recently. This fashion has been accepted by ladies and drinking coffee is now increasing among young ladies, although canned coffee had a strong image of being a man’s drink for a long time. Also company workers’ ideas of how to drink has also been evolving.
Well, let’s have a break with canned coffee.
Now, what’s the rank of the hot sellers?
Canned Coffee Best sellers...
1. Asahi : Wonda, "Morning Shot"
2. Itoen & Nescafe : Tully's Coffee, "Barista's Black"
3. Suntory : Boss, "Rainbow Mountain Blend"
4. Suntory : Boss, "Zeitaku-Bito 贅沢微糖"
5. Geogea : Coca-Cola, "Emerald Mountain Blend"
6. UCC : Beans & Roaster, "Cafee Laatte"
7. Suntory : Boss, "Cafe au Lait"
8. Suntory : Boss, "Silky Drip Bito 微糖 "
9. Asahi : Wonda, "Kin-no-Bito 金の微糖 "
10. Suntory : Boss, "Black"
(Asahi Shinbun January 24)
ちょっと一息、缶コーヒー。さて、その売れ筋のランキングは、 (朝日新聞1月24日)
1. ワンダ「モーニングショット」(アサヒ飲料)
2. タリーズコーヒー「バリスタズ ブラック」(伊藤園)
3. ボス「レインボーマウンテンブレンド」(サントリー)
4. ボス「贅沢微糖」(サントリー)
5. ジョージア「エメラルドマウンテンブレンド」(日本コカ・コーラ)
6. ビーンズ&ロースターズ「カフェラテ」(UCC上島珈琲)
7. ボス「カフェオレ」(サントリー)
8. ボス「シルキードリップ微糖」(サントリー)
9. ワンダ「金の微糖」(アサヒ飲料)
Ferdinand Hodler (Switzerland ) exhibition at Hyogo Prefectural Museum of